Mama Recommendations

Baby registries.

You start off EXCITED. Excited for all of the cute clothes and blankets and photo shoots.

You may ask some of your Mom friends “what are the must-have’s?” or searched through the thousands of YouTube videos that swear to know the PERFECT items for you and your baby.

So now you are not excited. You are overwhelmed and frustrated.

Let me help you get back to being excited. Don’t worry too much over all of this. Our world tells us we need to buy everything otherwise our babies won’t survive or be smart.

Truthfully, it’s all relative. In a world full of information overload, there are way too many options for baby gear. In time, you will find what works well for you.

Maybe you are a minimalist and you only want the basics.

I have made a list of what I think are the must-haves!

Maybe you are a busy bee and want all of the fun extras that make life easier. I have included a lot of these as well.

This is a list of things that worked for US.

I hope that you can use this list as a guide. Think about what your lifestyle is as you read it. I included as many honest reviews as possible.

Side Note: I created my registry on Amazon and LOVED it. You can set it up so that your more expensive items (you set the minimum) can turn into a shared gift. Someone can gift a specific dollar amount to that item. You also get a free box of things once the baby is born! Free is always nice.

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