It has been exactly one year since I have posted on this site. The past year has consisted of: landed a job in Youth Ministry at a great church, my husband got a new job, both of us replaced our cars, our dog and hedgehog died, we got a new dog, we provided a home for a 10-year old boy and 13-year old girl from Bulgaria for a month, we moved (locally), and now I am pregnant! A little more than halfway there, with baby boy Luke Michael due in September.
Life is crazy. Life is good. Life is what you make it… or rather, how you view it.
I hope to be spending the summer writing, both here and on my book. I imagine it will be a long while until it is finished, but I wanted to give you all a sneak peak into a paragraph of my intro that I wrote this morning. We are on vacation in Outer Banks and the sea has once again invigorated my passion for writing.
“When asking the reader to reflect, the writer must do the same. The salty wind muddles my mind soothingly as I try to piece together the many moments that have become the now. I go back and forth – is the beach a place to remember, or a place to forget? If I forget too much, I may view my life through a false lens of self-created joy. So, we must find the balance between reflecting on the past (can you feel His grace?) and not allowing it to tether your mind with lies. We’ve all come from somewhere… whether that place is dark like the sea at twilight or peaceful like the sky above it. We can learn from our fears and allow God to take us to a place of love. Perfect love drives out fear.”